You may not be aware of this fact, but Jake Gyllenhaal is an extremely attractive man. Unreasonably attractive. Unfairly attractive. He has the eyes of every guy who rode a motorbike in the 60s, the cheekbones of a boybands break-out talent, and the jawline of the young English teacher you fancied in high school. His body type is slim but toned and, when he smiles, its like an electric shock and a hug all at the same time. He was impish and adorable in his 20s and now, in his mid-30s, hes refined but rugged. Hes been a babe for every occasion. And yet, from the early stages of his career, Jake (can I call him Jake? I hope so, because I will be doing it for the duration of this article to save me googling How many As in Gylanhaaaal every 5 minutes) has waged a war. A war against his own hotness. At some point, his beauty mustve done him wrong and he decided to take action. So rather than pursuing an obvious career path for someone with such golden boy looks, hes steadfastly refused to take roles that would increase his heartthrob status. Come with me on a journey through the Jake back-catalogue and marvel at just how unattractive an attractive person can become.
Brydie is an Australian writer and performer living in London and she complains exactly the same amount about the weather as every other Australian living in London. Yes, that is her natural lip colour, no, she will not be taking any further questions at this time.