9 "Guaranteed" Visions Of The Future That Will Make Us All Look Stupid

8. The Smart Clip

Intel smart clip
Intel Smart Clip

Exhibited at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in 2015, the Smart Clip is a prototype seat belt clip that you attach to your child's seat. The clip will alert you via an app when you accidently leave your infant in the car and expose them to the danger of developing heatstroke.

I might be missing something here, but rather than purchasing a specialised device for what will undoubtedly be a pretty penny, you could always try just not leaving your baby alone in a hot car. The press release details a tragic incident in which the CEO of a hospital in Iowa inadvertently left her child in her minivan as she was rushing to attend meetings, resulting in the child dying of heatstroke. This is an eventuality that would indeed have been avoided if the child had been connected up to the smart clip, but one can't help but think there is a more low-tech solution.

If the people of the future get wind that we felt the need for a device like this, they'll likely regard us in the same way we regard people who used those baby cages in the 1930s.

The Exception: Well, seeing as it already exists, we are already the exception.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.