9 Bad Habits That Science Says Are Good For You

5. Fidgeting

Fidget Cube
Fidget Cube

Are you that person who is constantly jiggling their legs, tapping their fingers and generally fidgeting?

Well, despite probably having spent your entire life being irritably snapped at and told to sit still, you've probably done yourself the world of good. Sitting down is astonishingly bad for you, and some experts think that our sedentary lifestyles could be knocking years off our lives. There is hope, however, as habitual fidgeting could well undo a lot of the damage caused by sitting at a desk all day and actually increase you life expectancy.

As well as giving you a long and happy life, fidgety kids could actually be boosting their brainpower, particularly those with ADHD. It seems as though the worst thing you can do to get a kid to focus, is get them to sit still and listen quietly, as being allowed to move about and goof around actually increases their focus and attention.

If you're a chronic fidgeter, you can even buy a Fidget Cube desk toy designed purely to be fidgeted with.

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