9 Bad Habits That Science Says Are Good For You

4. Skipping A Shower

elf shower
New Line Cinema

First things first, don't throw away the soap just yet. Washing less is not the same as not washing at all.

It might feel great, but showering every day is actually not all that good for you. Daily scrubbing with soaps and shampoos will strip your skin and hair of its natural oils and dry you out. Even plain old hot water will wash away too much of the good stuff if used too often.

As well as washing away the oils, daily scrubbing also strips your body of bacteria. We all know about the "good" bacteria in our guts, but your skin is also home to another microbiome of its own. When this is in balance, the "good" bacteria inhibit the proliferation of the "bad" bacteria, but get rid of too many good bacteria and the bad ones could run rampant.

So long as you have a quick wash of the key areas on the regs, and remember to apply deodorant, you can probably skip the morning shower every other day and grab some extra snooze time.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.