9 Celebrities Who Might Not Actually Be Dead

6. Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson

Yet, another King! These members of the musical monarchy really aren't faring too well. Hang on, if we call Justin Bieber, King Justin Bieber will that...y'know? Back to Michael, well what more can be said? Like his music, his actions spoke volumes. Whether that be moulding some of the finest pop ever to have existed or paying $15 million to the parents of a child whom he never touched inappropriately, Mr. Jackson certainly was an enigma. The creator of Thriller, the highest-selling album ever, was just plain barmy. From dangling a new-born over a fifth-floor balcony to chartering planes for his beloved chimpanzee, Bubbles, the boy who never grew up's antics are far too plentiful to begin listing. Even now, mentioning his name still encourages debate/ridicule. His followers can be just as unbalanced as he. I once worked with a woman who went off sick for a week upon hearing of Jacko's death. To help ease the pain she spent twenty english stirling on a signed (photocopied) keyring. Towards the end of his career, the star's behaviour became ever more erratic, and the cause of his apparent death remains up in the air. Rumours of sightings in Western Australia can be mentioned in the same breath as secret underground bunkers. Regardless, we're still talking about him, it's probably what he would have wanted. Conspiracy theorists say: He's not dead! He didn't molest anyone! Not even the monkey! R.I.P M.J! He'll be performing with Lady Gaga in space, next year.

Out of touch, out of date and out of work. With no other discernible skills of any real use to society, I thought I'd give this a bash. My main focuses are food, music, sport and anything remotely related to ISS Pro 98. I spend half of my life listening to records and the other half wondering whether it'd be possible to become John Cooper Clarke's mate. He, alongside Stephen Fry and Countdown's Rachel Riley, should run the country.