9 Celebrities Who Might Not Actually Be Dead

2. Paul McCartney

Yes, you read that right. Speculation circulated that the original Macca died in 1966 in a car accident after having offered a lift to a female hitch-hiker. Frankly, we can't be bothered to give further life to this ludicrous theory. Conspiracy theorists say... That's not Paul McCartney, the most sucessful recording artist of all time who has released 24 studio albums since his death. It's little-known actor William Shears Campbell, silly. Look at the Abbey Road cover, it's a funeral cortege. John's the priest, Ringo's the mourner, Paul is a sans-shoed dead bloke and George is the grave-digger. There are no words.

Out of touch, out of date and out of work. With no other discernible skills of any real use to society, I thought I'd give this a bash. My main focuses are food, music, sport and anything remotely related to ISS Pro 98. I spend half of my life listening to records and the other half wondering whether it'd be possible to become John Cooper Clarke's mate. He, alongside Stephen Fry and Countdown's Rachel Riley, should run the country.