9 Mind-Blowing Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Yourself

2. Within Three Days Of Death, The Enzymes That Once Digested Your Lunch Begin To Eat You

Without enzymes you would die from starvation. They€™re the workhorses of the body, converting food into energy like a well-drilled team of ants. As catalysts (proteins that speed up reactions) each has its own specific function. A few days after death, these enzymes and living bacteria start feeding on ruptured cells to break down their host. The pancreas is so full of bacteria that it essentially eats itself€ how, romantic.

As the enzymes work their way into other organs, they release enough noxious gas to bloat the body and force the eyes to bulge outward. That€™s why you see flies swarming to murder scenes (hopefully just on the movies), but it€™s true, and these foul-smelling gases can even cause decomposing pregnant women to expel their fetus after a few weeks, known as coffin birth. Shudder.

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Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell