9 Mistakes In Stephen King Books You Never Even Noticed

5. Desperation - Albums Change Artists And Kidneys Store Urine

Stephen King Mistakes

Desperation is a horror novel by Stephen King published in 1996. Interestingly, Desperation has a mirror novel called The Regulators. Both novels represent parallel universes which are relative to each other, as most characters appear in both novels under vastly different circumstances.

Desperation features a couple mistakes. For a start, the album Eat 'Em And Smile is described as having been recorded by Van Halen, when in actuality it's a David Lee Roth record which was his debut solo album after he left the band.

Another detail which is close but not quite concerns kidneys. At one point in the story, Mary Jackson states that she needs to pee, but later comments that she can hold on due to having good kidneys. Except kidneys create urine, they don't store it, so what she really meant was she had a good bladder. Perhaps this can be attributed to the character herself being ignorant, but what's definitely on King is Mary's physical appearance. Initially, Mary is described as having short hair. Not long after, however, this description switches to long hair with no explanation, and that's what continues throughout.

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Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.