9 Outstanding Female Comedians Funnier Than Amy Schumer

1. Sarah Silverman

Kristen Schaal
Chris Pizzello/AP

Sarah is a true blue comedian. Blue, as in blue comedy, because most things that come out of this woman’s mouth are absolutely filthy. Case in point: she’d likely have a few choice things to say about the notion of “filthy things coming out of her mouth.”

Despite being only in her forties, Sarah is considered a trailblazer for modern female comics. She first gained prominence due to her style of not shying away from any topic, no matter how taboo it may be. She’s tackled race, sex, politics, and other vulgar concepts not usually uttered in mixed company with a grace and dry humor which is often imitated but has never been matched.

An early stint on Saturday Night Live didn’t last very long because SNL over time has become the box that comedians like Sarah long to live comfortably outside of. Instead, she showcased her true talents on the way too short-lived Sarah Silverman Program that ran from 2007-10.

While she does appear in numerous big-budget, commercial projects—the best known being the voice of Vanellope in the Wreck-It Ralph films—you’d never know it by watching her stand-up that remains tawdry after all these years.


Gregory is a freelance/fiction writer, voice over artist, blogger, writing instructor, and foppish socialite currently living in the greater Buffalo, NY region. In another life he was the head writer and a featured performer in the improv group The Human Touch. His YouTube channel is called the Writers Lounge and is about... well, writing.