9 Places We Could Build Space Colonies

7. Venus

NASA Cloud City on Venus

Moving away from the the more well-trodden ground of space colonisation, Earth's other sister planet, Venus, could be another good candidate for an off-world home from home.

You certainly wouldn't have any of the #ThinAtmosphereProblems of the moon or Mars, as the atmospheric pressure at the Venusian surface is at least 90 times that on Earth. Again, not ideal, but with a bit of resourcefulness, we could still make our home on this toasty planet.

Suspended in floating cities, 50km above the planet's surface, colonists would enjoy temperatures of a much more manageable 40°C. The atmospheric pressure would also mean that we would never have to worry about explosive decompression and might not even have to wear space suits outside - just breathing equipment.

Although the sulfuric acid-containing clouds might seem unfriendly, it would be possible to extract enough water from them to fill Lake Michigan. Twice.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.