9 Places We Could Build Space Colonies

6. Titan

Titan surface

Right, real talk, one of the major reasons why we would colonise somewhere like Titan, is that it has lakes filled with hundreds of times more liquid hydrocarbons that all of the oil and natural gas reserves on Earth. The stuff literally rains from the sky.

In many ways, the Saturnian moon is possibly one of the most habitable places in the solar system. It has an atmosphere rich in nitrogen and methane, and there is evidence for the existence of liquid water and ammonia beneath the surface. The water could also be used to produce breathable air.

Rather excitingly, the atmospheric density to gravity ratio on Titan would also mean that it would be possible to strap on a pair of wings and flylike a bird ... if you can bear the ˆ’179°C temperatures (a minor detail).

The only thing is that Titan is so habitable, that some scientists think there's a chance that something could already be living there. With any luck it will be of the microbial variety, but maybe space tourists of the future will have to brush up on their Titian before visiting.

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