9 Psychological Effects You Can Turn To Your Advantage

7. Get Favours, Make Friends, Thank Benjamin Franklin

Usually, you'd think that someone has to like you before doing you a favour, but sometimes it works the other way around. If there's a person who you really want to get to like you, ask them for a favour. This is sometimes called the Benjamin Franklin Effect as, legend has it, that Benjamin Franklin once essentially tricked a guy into being his friend by asking to borrow a book. The idea is that, unless they properly hate your guts (or sometimes even if they do), common decency will oblige somebody to do you a small favour. This sort of tricks their brain into thinking that they like you, because why would you lend a book to someone you don't like? You can really hammer it home with a bit of slightly-over-the-top gratitude.
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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.