9 Psychological Effects You Can Turn To Your Advantage

6. Get Cosy

If you're in a group, particularly something like a meeting, and you think that someone might be about to yell at you, sit next to them. It makes them far less likely to go in all guns blazing as it transfers the dynamic from a "pack mentality" to a much more personal level. Imagine the two scenarios for yourself. In the first scenario, you are at the other end of the table with the other people forming a kind of neutral barrier, in the second, you have to literally crane your neck around to yell directly in their face. You'd feel way more self conscious shouting at the person right next to you. Of course, you could always try to avoid doing the thing that made them angry in the first place, or just be better at not getting caught.
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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.