9 Real-Life Creatures That Are Definitely Pokémon

6. Red-Lipped Batfish


The red-lipped batfish has the simultaneous misfortune of looking like someone's great-aunt Muriel, and not being all that great a swimmer, making it a bit of a laughing stock in the fish community.

These batfish, despite living in an environment some might describe as "quite wet", have all but lost their ability to swim and, instead, walk along the sea bottom on their leg-like fins.

Nobody is entirely sure what the real purpose of its bright red lips are. Perhaps it just wanted to look nice, you know, not for anyone else, batfish shouldn't have to give you a reason for getting dressed up, god, back off.

It's scientific name, Ogcocephalus darwini, is in homage to Charles Darwin, possibly inspired by this image that smarta**es like to have as bumper stickers.

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