9 Reasons Why Being In Your 20s Is Awesome

7. You're Going To Have Some Fun With $20 In Your Pocket

Tumblr Mjhhpmk19o1s6ct2eo1 500 Gif Have you ever thought about going backpacking in Asia or spending a summer living in South America? If you haven't already, this is the time. You probably have enough money to pay for the flights and are still not too bothered about the hotel's standard. Happy to eat street food instead of a three-course meal in a fancy restaurant? You don't mind sharing a bathroom or even a room with some strangers? You're keen to choose an overnight bus ride because it saves you money on accommodation, even though it means a cramped and uncomfortable sleep? Great, you'll have a blast. Don't worry you don't have to keep saving up for a year to go on a trip of your dreams. £1000 for a month in paradise? Sounds like a bargain, right? And, yes that's including the flights. Travel cheaply, travel dangerously, travel far; and travel a lot! Because when you have children, or settle down, the opportunities and free time will be limited. There are no limits, no country to far, and no trip to obscure, so make the most of it while you are still young. Let's not forget once you've turned 21 you can do the USA (Vegas!!!) trip that you've always dreamt of and enjoy it to the fullest.
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Final-year Sport Journalism student at the University of Brighton. Addicted to Tennis, Football and travelling. You can also find me on Twitter @bonar_a