9 Reasons Why Being In Your 20s Is Awesome

8. It's Your Party, You May Cry If You Want To

You are now taking full control over your life. Remember playing The Sims? Come on, even if you are a man you probably had a basic version hidden somewhere between GTA and FIFA. Now it all gets real. You will be finding jobs, and changing them when you find a better one, while also being able to enjoy FIFA tournaments with nobody telling when to stop playing your XBOX or PlayStation. You will be getting your own place and refurbishing it however you like, no limitations. IKEA will probably become your favourite store for some part of your 20s. No more restrictions on what's appropriate to hang up or having to clean up the mess lying around your room. Oh and of course you may now decide who has the honor of sharing that prized space with you. You can upgrade your younger sibling's messy living style for your friends messier one, or maybe even move in with someone from the opposite sex. You've always wanted to have a pet but your parents wouldn't let you? There's nothing stopping you now. A puppy, a cat, a mouse, or even a pig; the choice is in your hands now, with no restrictions.
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Final-year Sport Journalism student at the University of Brighton. Addicted to Tennis, Football and travelling. You can also find me on Twitter @bonar_a