9 Reasons Why Being In Your 20s Is Awesome

3. No One To Tell You 'No' Or Where To Go

Tumblr M8mai2fegu1rqyv55 Gif You may now make decisions about everything, from a simple 'What's for dinner' (And yes you may have McDonald's and leftover pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner if you really want to) to what country you want to live in. And yes that means you'll have to make some tough choices and make serious decisions but you've been dreaming of being independent for the last 20 years so stop complaining. All those nights where your parents told you to go to bed instead of watching TV are now over (we do however recommend you to occasionally get some sleep as no sleep can kill you; eating is important too). Nowadays, your parents call you to check if you're still alive rather than to control your every step. That means you now have a chance of actually becoming friends with them. There are some changes happening in both camps. They start accepting you as an equal and they actually listen to what you are saying; whereas, you start noticing they have more banter in their lives than you have ever expected. Not to mention that you are actually able to share a friendly pint or go on holidays together and enjoy it.
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Final-year Sport Journalism student at the University of Brighton. Addicted to Tennis, Football and travelling. You can also find me on Twitter @bonar_a