9 Reasons Why Being In Your 20s Is Awesome

2. And You Dance And You Cry And You Laugh And Have A Really, Really, Really Good Time

Tumblr Inline Mrxa8gve2p1qz4rgp Gif That pretty much sums up uni life, doesn't it? Being at University sometimes pushes you beyond your own limits and you realise you can go without sleep for a week, but most times it's simply just great fun. Some part of your 20s, probably was, or will be spent on campus. If not, you are missing out. There is a reason university is referred to as being 'the best years of your life'. Being surrounded by people your age who share the same interests, living together in an environment of no or few 'adults' around, having money coming in from a student loan, not having to work and having to study for exams only twice a year has little in common with the real, wild world so remember to cherish it, and take it with both hands. This is probably your last gasp of childhood and it doesn't last forever. It actually flies by, one day you are a fresher and then a few parties later you stand there in your gown thinking 'how did that happen?'. You shouldn't be trying to act too responsible or mature, as this is the fun bit, don't ruin it for yourself or anyone else.
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Final-year Sport Journalism student at the University of Brighton. Addicted to Tennis, Football and travelling. You can also find me on Twitter @bonar_a