9 Things We Learned From CIA Agent Mike Baker On Joe Rogan's Podcast

6. The Russian Burisma Attack

If you were one of the many people to watch The Great Hack documentary that was on Netlifx, then the rampant escalation in cyber wars is probably beginning to freak you out. Don't worry, you're not alone because we're a little anxious too, especially after Baker explained the Russian Burisma situation.

According to Baker, Russian hackers attempted to steal information from a Ukrainian energy company. What makes this so intriguing is that the energy company has Hunter Biden, son of Joe Biden, on the board. Obviously this infuriated President Trump who wanted to launch a full scale investigation to find out if the Bidens were involved in any serious stuff.

It's all quite messy and has created more political drama than an entire season of The West Wing could ever attempt to show. Although it seems like a complicated predicament, Baker is masterful at breaking down the situation in layman's terms so the JRE listeners can fully grasp what's going on.

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Co-host of The Ill-Informed Podcast, jiu-jitsu fiend, MMA lover, movie fan, anime nerd, music snob.