9 Types Of Cinema-Goer We All Hate To Be Around

7. The Time-Ignorers

Now and again, someone turns up just that bit too late, whereby it actually annoys you. Like in university when someone attempts to join a lecture ten minutes before the end, even though they€™ve had almost two hours to get there. In the cinematic realm, you often see entire busloads of people coming in half an hour late, missing all the preamble and exposition necessary to understand the majority of films. It€™s not like these people enter quietly either, they€™re often a band of Popcorn-Feasters and upcoming Descriptive Neanderthals. The latter brought about by not being present for the movie€™s explanation of what the hell is going on in the first place. Chances are it€™s just one person in any given group who is their designated person who is just €˜always late€™, yet it makes the entire sight of a troop of clueless individuals, phone-lights in hand as they speak in harsh whispers and attempt to locate their seat in the dark, completely maddening.
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