9 Types Of Cinema-Goer We All Hate To Be Around

8. The Phone-Enthusiasts

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wr0vYfPVzH4 As is evident throughout society these days, if it€™s not being seen through a phone-screen, it didn€™t happen. Now we haven€™t gone completely mad just yet, people aren€™t filming the film they€™re sitting in just to watch it back later, but there€™s always some nutter within your peripheral vision who can€™t possibly be away from their friends' discussion for more than a couple of hours, and instead is checking their phone in the middle of a darkened room. Like a gigantic beacon illuminating their clueless expression for all to see, as well as drawing attention to precisely where the person is sitting, should we ever implement some sort of cinema security with long-range tasers, taking these fools out within a few seconds of awareness would be effortless. Then you have that rare individual who will actually take a call in a cinema. A phone call, a flexing of the vocal chords. In a cinema, the only place other than a graveyard where silence is demanded. Though I haven€™t witnessed this rare cretin in quite some time, so etched into my memory-banks is the viewing of Spider-Man 3 that I remember it as if it was yesterday. There€™s not much more to say about this sort of person, they€™re too far gone anyway, but sufficed to say if you come across such a creature, report them on site and suggest the taser idea while you€™re on.
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