Harry Potter And The Cursed Child: 7 Most Compelling Theories

6. It's About Voldemort Again

As with every new expansion of a beloved franchise, fans will inevitably hold some hope that the most iconic elements of Harry Potter return. Just as Star Wars fans will grasp at the idea of Darth Vader returning right up until the moment he doesn't, Potterites will hope that the Dark Lord rears his creepy serpentine head in some way. Since the play is a spin-off rather than a new chapter entirely, it would be logical to assume that the Curse in question has something to do with the evil at the heart of the first seven books. Just how much of a presence he will have is what remains to be seen. Theory Rating: 7/10 It seems likely that Voldemort will play a significant part in the play, even if he doesn't actually appear, unless there's a significant curve-ball coming (more of which later). Even in just symbolic terms, as long as there's a Harry Potter in the title, Voldemort's impact on him will shape how his life unfolds, and having the Curse as being fundamentally linked to the Dark Lord is a compelling thought.

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