Harry Potter And The Cursed Child: 7 Most Compelling Theories

5. One Of The Potter Brood Is The Cursed Child

Introducing younger family members doesn't always work - Scrappy Doo, for instance, was an abomination - but the idea that Harry Potter and his family went on to live a quiet life after the tumultuous Voldemort years is just too convenient. Even with the pleasant full-stop of the epilogue, fans inevitably asked what happened next, and the concept of Harry and Ginny having to turn from children in danger to the parents of a child in danger offers an intriguing new perspective. Particularly since there has to be at least SOME question of how screwed up Harry's genetics are after having part of Voldemort's soul clattering around inside him. Particularly interesting theory linked to the epilogue concerns the timing of the release. The play will be released 19 years after The Philosopher's Stone was released, and it's probably no accident that the epilogue was titled "19 Years Later", and that does feel like a hint. Theory Rating: 4/10 As interesting as a Potter brood spin-off might be to some fans, it would pose some logistical problems, including the need to cast (or recast) the original core cast of the films and books. And it would be a pretty massive kick in the teeth for the Boy Who Lived to have raised a Child Who Ended Up Also Being Cursed. But then Rowling did kill Dobby, so all bets should probably be off for now.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.