Harry Potter And The Cursed Child: 7 Most Compelling Theories

1. It's Just Going To Retell The Events Of Privet Drive

While Rowling has said it's not a prequel, that doesn't mean the play can't or wont leap back in time. It seems likely that the narrative will start at the point of his parents' death and then explore Harry's early years before Hogwarts. And the promise of a new perspective could easily be fulfilled by having it deal more with the Dursleys than with Harry himself. They're painted easily as monsters up until the final book, and understanding that through Harry's formative years (when he was experiencing things he couldn't explain) would be interesting to watch. Given the choice of writer - and his own experiences at school - the puzzle comes together quite nicely:
€œI tended to be the nerdy kid stood at the back, watching other people having fun €“ I wasn€™t always necessarily a big part of the fun myself. But there€™s a lot that I hope comes from the feelings I had then, or things that I recognised in other people. You just plug into what that felt like.€
Theory Rating: 8/10 Probably the most likely eventuality, since the initial announcement promised as much. And Rowling wouldn't actually be lying in saying it's not a prequel, because the first book begins with Harry arriving at Privet Drive, and the play wouldn't need to go back beyond that point to offer a new perspective. That still doesn't mean the title would actually make any sense, though. Are you excited to see Harry Potter & The Cursed Child? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.

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