iPad Mini: 8 Rumours We Expect To Come True

4. The Camera & Battery

Leaked images of the iPad Mini's case leaked by Chinese manufacturers suggest that the iPad Mini will feature both front and back cameras. That is in contrast to earlier claims that suggested that the camera would be left out to cut down on costs - a claim that was backed up by some images of Mini cases without the necessary hole on the back for the camera sensor. The specs of the camera are yet to be discussed in much depth, with some suggesting that it will be a starkly improved version of that featured on the iPad 2 and possibly may even be the 5-Megapixel camera featured on the new iPod Touch. According to MacRumors, the leaked image below suggest that the iPad Mini will feature a battery that is as much as three times bigger than that in the iPhone 5 at 4,490m or a third of the size of the new iPad's battery. That's quite a lot of power...

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