iPad Mini: 8 Rumours We Expect To Come True

6. No Retina Display?

While some might have expected the new iPad Mini to come with a brand new Retina Display in line with the new iPhone and iPod Touch, there are a couple of things that suggest that the Mini won't. First up, all new Apple products tend to be released without Retina display, and have then been updated later, and secondly, Apple simply won't be able to make something thinner and lighter - which are expected to be the buzz-words for the iPad Mini - at the expected size or price, with Retina display. The Mini comes with compromises, and it would be an odd decision by Apple to make something so close to the iPad with an entirely new name - whether Apple admit it or not, this new line is supposed to compete directly with the Nexus and the Kindle Fire, which are cheaper, and the necessary price-hike to include Retina wouldn't make that competition a possibility. Yes, it would look the best by some distance, but it would be too thick, heavy and expensive to really compete. There's also no way Apple will distract from sales of the still new New iPad by effectively making it redundant with the Mini.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.