iPhone 5: 8 Features We Want To See

5. 10/12megapixel Camera

This is another must if the iPhone is to reclaim its place at the top of the smartphone pile. The iPhone 4S, Galaxy S3 and HTC One X all boast impressive 8megapixel rear cameras, albeit the latter two have some snazzier features. The iPhone 5 needs a cracking camera to compete, and they can take note from the competition and, like the One X, make it possible to take photos while recording HD video.

4. Front-facing HD Camera

FaceTime is great fun but a bump up to HD will really put Apple ahead. It might not be popular for the self-conscious or those who tend to use it when looking their worst, but it€™s the next logical step. Maybe take the 5mp HD camera from the new iPad and pop on it on the back of the new iPhone? Simple stuff. Just imagine the sales pitch at the unveiling. Admit it, you can imagine Tim Cook saying €˜So one HD camera is pretty cool, right? But on the new iPhone, we added a second front-facing one,€™ followed by ooooo€™s and ahhhhh€™s from the audience.

Rob has been an entertainment writer and blogger since 2008. He plies his trade an the Online Producer for Virgin Media Shorts and writes for TheShiznit.co.uk, Virgin Movies and Games. In the past he's written for Sky Atlantic, Sky 1 and the now-closed DVD & Blu-ray Review magazine. He and can boast ownership of a one-of-a-kind Muppet called Haynes.