iPhone 5: 8 Features We Want To See

3. Increased Battery Life

We say this every time a new smartphone of any sort is revealed. All the extra features are all well and good, but what€™s the point in any of them if you have to charge the bloody thing every night? Remember the simpler days of charging your reliable Nokia 3210 once a week? Battery technology must be at stage now where we can get the same kind of charge out of our smartphones. Get it done!

2. 4G Compatible

It might not have been completely rolled out in the UK yet but there€™s certainly no harm in getting on the train before it€™s left the station, so to speak. Slough is apparently a €˜guinea pig town€™ for 4G so we can expect a national roll out hopefully in the next year or so, and you can expect Apple to be ready and waiting.

Rob has been an entertainment writer and blogger since 2008. He plies his trade an the Online Producer for Virgin Media Shorts and writes for TheShiznit.co.uk, Virgin Movies and Games. In the past he's written for Sky Atlantic, Sky 1 and the now-closed DVD & Blu-ray Review magazine. He and can boast ownership of a one-of-a-kind Muppet called Haynes.