iPhone 8: 10 Biggest Leaks & Rumours You Need To Know

4. A Hefty Price Tag

iPhone 7

Apple products have never exactly been on the cheap side, have they?

The firm's idea of a budget phone is one that touches down at £469, which is what the plastic-coated iPhone 5c debuted at in the UK.

In terms of Apple's current-gen devices, there's the 32GB iPhone 7 at one end of the spectrum and the 256GB 7 Plus at the other with an eye-watering £919 price tag.

Now, the bad news is that reports suggest the iPhone 8 is going to be Apple's most expensive handset yet with Fast Company's sources claiming it will be the firm's first handset to break the $1,000 mark in the US.

Apple's UK prices are never a direct conversion of their American equivalent - which doesn't seem fair, but such is life - so that means the apex model of the iPhone 8 will rock up on these shores at around £940.

In other words, it ain't going to be cheap, but at least there is expected to be three models for those who are unwilling to pay full whack.

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