iPhone 8: 10 Biggest Leaks & Rumours You Need To Know

5. AirPods Included

iPhone 7

The iPhone 8 will come bundled with an accessory worth £159, if the latest reports are to be believed.

Analysts at JPMorgan have forecast that Apple will include a pair of its latest wireless earphones, the AirPods, inside the box at no extra cost.

The AirPods, which were announced alongside the iPhone 7, connect to an iOS device or Apple Watch via Bluetooth and have sensors on board that detect when they're inside the user's ears, playing and pausing music accordingly.

They include some cool features like support for Siri voice controls and a bespoke case that doubles as a charger, juicing them up while they're being stored.

Their biggest drawbacks include having to keep them charged and how misplaceable they are, although these things will be easier for the iPhone-owning masses to overlook when they don't have to fork out extra for them.

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