New Year's Day 2013: 10 Biggest Idiots of 2012

10. Alex Reid I€™ve met Alex Reid. He€™s actually quite a nice guy, he€™s not a bad fighter either. In truth I didn€™t even consider him for the list, but after a quick straw poll with some celeb addict friends I€™ve reluctantly added him. The crux of this is the way he€™s supposedly treated his girlfriend, and his general idiotic demeanor when he€™s selling all his intimate stories to toilet paper manufacturers. It€™s also because of his so-called sex dungeon (some girls just don€™t appreciate an open minded man), oh and he was sleeping with men whilst married. Perhaps she felt left out, she was surely having an affair with herself in the mirror every day anyway right?? Absolute truth is I believe nothing I€™ve read about him, all these stories are purposefully crafted to sell magazines with barely a lace-thread of truth running through its entirety. If you believe it all, then here I present you the biggest €˜celebrity because he€™s a celebrity€™ idiot of the year, everyone€™s favourite cross-dressing cave dweller, it€™s Alex Reid. If you don€™t believe it and generally try to ignore all this weary drivel, then move on- you€™re sure to hate the next one! 9. Helen Flanagan One of my (many) guilty pleasures in life comes in December with a cheeky Geordie duo and their bundle of tricks in the jungle. Along came the usual motley assortment€. One fat, one short and one lean€ and so on. And, as usual, the glorious British public decided to pick on one person, this time some Ostrich looking creature that apparently used to be in a soap and has a ghastly tattoo on her arm. Usually €˜Celebs€™ try in these situations, if not the first time then at least the second or third. They€™d at least get one star and some food. But Helen?? None, absolutely none for 5 days. All she did was scream, moan, quit and cry until one day she did a trial and got EVERY star. Ahhhhh so you€™re a prissy little drama queen who€™s finally realised you€™re better off by trying. It€™s not like she€™s been any better since she escaped the jungle either, with regular €˜mishaps€™ occurring, purely in an attempt to be noticed. Helen Flanagan, for being a whiney, attention- hungry, leech of an excuse for an actress we hereby pronounce you the 9th biggest Idiot of the year. 8. The Media Number 8 goes to everyone involved in a media controversy during the year. Set against the backdrop of the Leveson inquiry, 2012 has thrown up an extraordinary amount of media professional idiots. Unruly newspaper reports, unsavoury behaviour by some of the countries biggest stars, endless cases of tax avoidance and even Philip Schofield subjecting ITV to a 6 figure fine have all helped to put these people up in the higher echelons of our disdain, are they the new bankers?? A lot of what's happened seems like a knee jerk reaction to the un-regulated nature of Twitter, for fear of the blogging site spreading news much sooner than the traditional news organisations are able to-- but the fact is, these people in high positions of influence took their eye off the ball, and their integrity has suffered as a result. For idiotic behaviour that'll have the furthest reaching consequences of all from this list, 'The Media' we award you with position number 8, you bunch of self-deluded IDIOTS!

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Former TV Exec now enjoying a calmer existence... Big lover of all things animated and sci-fi with a few guilty pleasures alongside