New Year's Day 2013: 10 Biggest Idiots of 2012

7. Mitt Romney It€™s always fun sat on this side of the pond when the Merkins are choosing a President. Every 4 years we€™re treated to a mass scale reality project, where at the end of it the entire country is given one giant IQ test. They make it fairly simple, pick one or the other. Like that miserable game people try to play when they've nothing better to say. One will cause world destruction, the other a calm educated approach to things. Would you rather chop your leg off, or an arm?? Cat Deeley or Alex Jones? Cheese or Butter?? You get the idea, but it€™s always incredibly close, and no-one outside their country can ever quite believe why. This time round we€™re introduced to Mitt Romney, a non-drinking Mormon who€™s political standpoint had been severely impaired by conflicting interests. Remember Mitt Romney who came to London before the Olympics and said he thought it€™d fail, only to be laughed out the country.... by Boris Johnson? Or Mitt Romney that introduced his running mate as the future President?? The worrying thing with all of this is that he wasn€™t too far away from winning. The above examples were just the tip of the iceberg in terms of public gaffes, but there were deeper troubling aspects to Mitt that seemed to be overlooked in the media storm that surrounds these things. His views towards gun control, immigration and economical measures were particularly dangerous, so fortunately the Merkin people saved themselves from the consequences. 6. Felix Baumgartner Felix Baumgartner is an Idiot. A spectacularly impressive, courageous, resilient idiot, but an idiot nonetheless. This year saw Felix realise his wildest dream, breaking the record for the highest ever unassisted jump by a human. His quest involved entering a capsule to be lifted to the edge of space by a balloon, then jumping out with only a pressure suit and parachute to protect him. Hitting speeds beyond that of sound, entering a virtually uncontrollable spin and landing right in the target area€.. all whilst suffering a helmet heating problem, it was a testament to the often forgotten art of human endeavour. His jump will help further spacesuit research, and safety measures involved with spaceflight. This guy is a living hero. An idiotic hero, but a hero nonetheless. 5. John Terry It'd be easy to think footballers were worse than the rest of the nation. Yes, the money obviously helps... But would you really be any different if you were in their position?? I'm talking here, of course, about the womanising reputation Terry has built for himself, not the unfortunate language he was caught saying by TV cameras. That was simply in-excusible for such a high profile figure. But the combination of both has managed to topple him (and a coach or two) from the heights of English and Chelsea football (at least in terms of back-room influence). I, for one, am not sad to see the back of him. There's been a rotten culture in this country of rich celebrities and businessmen using their wealth to cover up deeds which would have seen the rest of us hung drawn and quartered had we done the same, 2012 has definitely been a year of exposing such people, and Terry is one of them. Total IDIOT.

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Former TV Exec now enjoying a calmer existence... Big lover of all things animated and sci-fi with a few guilty pleasures alongside