Social Media As A Grind: 10 Tips About The New Game Of (Digital) Life

2. Stay Away From Trolls And Flame Wars...

Trolls2 Some of us are bored when we are online, and try and focus gaining people's attentions by driving others crazy...stick to the old adage, "don't feed the troll". More over, people on the internet for the most part are "experts" in everything (Can you feel my sarcasm?)...Street psychology, pop-culture geeks, newsies who are self-absorbed presumptuous folks that love to just point out mistakes in others for their own gratification, using information on a topic they might have just read on Wikipedia and are trying to sell the info as their own... It happens, it's the internet, the ultimate soapbox for the anonymous...steer clear of threads with inflammatory commentary, and don't get yourself involved in the flame wars of others. I'm not talking about heated debates on intelligent topics...I'm talking about senseless arguing and fighting over the internet on any number of profiles. It can bite you in the ass, and follow you back to your own profiles. Forcing you to take more stringent measures to prevent undesirables on said profiles. In a digital world where there are no mouths to prove anyone a fool, those that type can be foolish beyond all measures of human logic, and get away with it (with a smile on their face), and leave you to reap the benefits of hurting your own social circles. Consider reading up on the /b/ and you can understand the culture a bit better, unless you exist in that culture, then you know what I'm talking about. I've trolled people for the simple purpose of the LOL's, but not in a malicious manner, doing it between friends to get mutual laughs out of my would-be victims as well...I get it in return. However, there are all kinds of trolls that bandwagon against others platforms for stupid and needless reasons against any one topic, issue, or person. They are masters of reductio ad absurdum ad infinitum, Steer clear of these people, and honestly the best thing you can do is "not feed them", meaning ignore them completely... Why is this so important? "I like arguing and debating people oneline Camacho, don't kick my puppy man!" Again, debates are not trolls (although people losing a debate against you may decide to call you a troll because they can't debate their topic intelligently - they are trolls by via attrition)...trolls can, and will follow you to your profiles, twitters, blogs, youtube (where they are extremely prevalent), and make your posting life miserable...depending on your viewpoint...if it's "all publicity is good publicity" perhaps it won't matter, it it's more sensitive, then you'll rage - a lot...I prefer to leave good enough alone.
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I'm a writer, a published author, and editor for a small independent publishing house. I'm an award winning producer of independent media, and I get to edit books, screenplays, and comics in my day to day. I love working on independent film & games, during my down time, as well as reviewing films while gobbling down milk duds (it's an addiction, I know). I've been called "Geek-Prime" among my peers for all the fandoms I work in, and I wear that title proudly. It's a passion, and an exercise in my growing profession, to get to write about what I love. Which happens to be a little of everything. But mostly film, comics, horror, games, anime, literature, and life. I do write about academic material, like politics, medicine, physics, and mathematics too. But for the most part, I like to keep things down to earth and simple. Follow me on Twitter & Facebook