Social Media As A Grind: 10 Tips About The New Game Of (Digital) Life

1. Be Yourself, And Post About What You Love, Or About What Is Important To You...

This is probably the most important tip. I see a lot of people post or talk about things they don't really care about simply to improve their audience numbers. That's just dumb. Don't worry about the audience numbers, those come naturally if you are following tips like the ones in this list, and are putting in the time to work on your digital social life based on your real life. Interact...Talk and share with people. Something I myself am working on is communicating using Twitter. Replying, and retweeting ongoing conversations, and joining in with the folks that follow me in their conversations. I love using the Twitter connecting checkboxes when making comments using Disqus, so that it adds the commentary and links to the articles I am commenting on into my twitter feed, which (of course) feeds into facebook, and so on... (have we started to get the full picture yet!). Bringing the conversation to my doorstep and allowing for others on my profiles to interact with the topic (of course observe item #9, or don't, and see where the trolling takes you...I'm not your mom, I can't make you behave - Unless I'm your daddy! O_o). I love those checkboxes, they are amazing little inclusive buttons, more so than simply liking, sharing, or tweeting about the article in general. This way everyone on your end sees your comments and they can communicate their opinions with just you on your profiles, or join in on the article you read. A very important of being yourself, specific to your social media, be honest about your stances on the topics discussed on your personal profiles. Politically speaking usually your don't want your company taking your personal stances, if they slightly differ, but truth and honesty on social media can save you a lot of time. Were you for or against Zimmerman in his case? Do you support Gun Laws? Are you religious, faithful, an Atheist? Are you for the NO H8 movement? Do you care? It doesn't matter...I don't expect you to go and sound the trumpets on these topics, I'm referring to your presence in your social media. You're not a politician...well, unless you are XD. Don't intend to try and ride both sides of a wave on an issue to try and increase your traffic. Knowing your topics and being objective helps...Be respectful of others if they don't agree with you, but stand your ground on your principles and you will gain more respect, followers, likes, pins, reddits, shares, and retweets then you can imagine. So folks, go forth, interconnect, network, meet new people, get new work opportunities. Interact with the communities you love, or join in on various world topics and issues being discussed online and share it with your entire wired or wifi connected universe. It's a digital life we live in, and the game is only getting more connected... Aside from posting here on What Culture! Feel free to message me @EmanuelFCamacho if you have weird, zany, or complicated questions on how to increase your social media options in your digital life.
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I'm a writer, a published author, and editor for a small independent publishing house. I'm an award winning producer of independent media, and I get to edit books, screenplays, and comics in my day to day. I love working on independent film & games, during my down time, as well as reviewing films while gobbling down milk duds (it's an addiction, I know). I've been called "Geek-Prime" among my peers for all the fandoms I work in, and I wear that title proudly. It's a passion, and an exercise in my growing profession, to get to write about what I love. Which happens to be a little of everything. But mostly film, comics, horror, games, anime, literature, and life. I do write about academic material, like politics, medicine, physics, and mathematics too. But for the most part, I like to keep things down to earth and simple. Follow me on Twitter & Facebook