A Song Of Ice And Fire: 9 Essential Questions For The Winds Of Winter

9. Are Both The Hound And The Mountain Alive?

Houndmount Starting off this list is whether or not the Clegane brothers are still breathing. The Hound supposedly died of his wounds after a drunken skirmish at the Trident. The Mountain battled the Red Viper, Oberyn Martell, to a standstill as both men died from their infamous encounter. Sandor's body was buried at the Quiet Isle while Gregor's alleged skull was sent to the Martell family in Dorne. Fans have theorized both men are still alive in some capacity. During Brienne's stay at the Quiet Isle's, she conversed with the Elder Brother who told her he buried the Hound's body. While there, she notices a novice gravedigger too large and tall to be a normal man. Looking at the clues, it seems obvious the Hound is still alive and is now living a quiet, peaceful life at the monastery. On to Gregor, his dead body became the subject of experimentation by Ex-Maester Qyburn, who is heavily rumored to be fascinated with black magic and necromancy. During Cersei's trial, he reveals he has "found" a champion so large and unbeatable he makes the Mountain look weak. Under the name, Robert Strong, he will be Cersei's champion in the Trial by Combat. Many fans believe Qyburn has created a Frankenstein monster using the body parts of the Mountain and other knights. Also, fans theorize the reborn Hound will be the Champion of the Faith for Margaery Tyrell. If true, the Hound will finally have his final battle against his evil brother.

Without decent writing skills and pop culture knowledge, I'd currently be asking you, "Would you like fries with that?"