Stop Everything And Watch These 10 Hilarious Arnold Schwarzenegger Videos

2. You're One Ugly...

Best things about this video. 1. The bearded guy in shades who remains expressionless throughout. 2. The fact those cigars were probably flown in by helicopter.

1. I Like When You Say Flying In Schwarzenegger has a pre-lit Stogie flown into the movie set via his faithful choppa, as a bemused film crew looks on. From the look on their faces and folded arms, this kind of thing is a regular occurrence. Possibly one of the most hilariously underrated videos on the Internet: the badly edited cuts, the triumphant delivery to 'Ride Of The Valkyries' and Arnie's - "He literally meant it!"- comedy chuckle at the end. If this doesn't have you roaring with laughter, you need to check your pulse.

Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell