This Is What Extraterrestrial Life Would Look Like
7. Type II: Star Killers
Seeing as a Type I civilisation is most people's idea of an advanced alien race, Type II are on a whole other level. Type II aliens would not just use the energy on their planet, but in the rest of their solar system. They might gather every last drop of energy for their sun using a Dyson Sphere (more on that later). They might have star-lifting tech - a process of removing a chunk of a star's matter and using its energy. This process would also generate a lot of "spare" antimatter that you could essentially recycle. Another, infinitely more badass, way of generating energy is to feed a star into a black hole and harvest the energy that pours back out of it. This would make boiling the kettle either way more exciting, or way more harrowing, knowing that a star died for you to make your morning coffee.