Top 10 Interactive Google Doodles

1 . Roswell's 66th Anniversary: July 8th 2013

Roswell Doodle Occasionally a doodle comes out of nowhere for what seems like a very obscure event. Even less common is a fully interactive doodle for such an event, so it was a massive surprise when the Roswell doodle was launched on the 66th anniversary of the Roswell Incident. The doodle was a point and click adventure game based around an alien who had crashed to earth, destroying his ship in the process. The aim of the game was to find the three sections of his ship and put them back together, however this was not a simple as it sounds thanks to a collection of farm animals and a sleeping farmer. The resulting puzzles were actually quite challenging and would have even the most experienced point and click players stumped, but persistence pays off and fortunately all the solutions are quite logical. Not only was the game challenging and incredibly fun but it was a master class in minimalistic design. The art work and sound were both very basic but conveyed enough information in a very stylised way. There was also no tutorial or instructions, only a thought bubble form the alien to show that the ship was in three pieces. A lot of games that have a similar style struggle to convey information in such a basic way so to do it in a doodle shows just how talented the team of doodlers are.
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Mike is a massive gamer and will play any game on any device, but detests the idea of a console war. When he’s not playing games he can usually be found procrastinating on the internet or failing that begging for more twitter followers. He also loves writing about himself in the third person.