Top 10 Stephen King Stories

6. 1408 (1999)

"This is nine! Nine! This is nine! Nine! This is Ten! Ten! We have killed your friends! Every friend is now dead! This is six! Six!" One of the things I particularly like about this story is the prose. The start of the book which I would say ends with the culmination of Olin and Enslin€™s conversation (done beautifully by John Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson in its movie adaptation) is both skillfully written and arguably more frightening than the rest of the story. The tales of what has happened in the haunted hotel room are genuinely scary and leave you with a good sensation of unease as the protagonist, the author who writes about €˜real€™ ghosts, enters the hotel room. One of the reasons that this scares me so much is because it taps into one of my greatest fears, claustrophobia. Enslin is trapped in the room the second he enters, trapped with this thing which has killed, in fairly horrific ways, over 42 people. This thing intends to drive him mad and uses some pretty nasty ways to do so.
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Student at university studying Journalism.