Top 10 Stephen King Stories

5. Pet Sematary (1983)

€œSometimes dead is better€ Stephen King describes this as one of his darkest novels and the one that scared him the most. I have to admit, when I put this book down the ending haunted me for a long time, this is not a book for the faint-hearted. The quote I used is one which the book is almost based around; the idea that once someone or something is dead, it can be better to leave them that way. Unfortunately the main character of the story doesn€™t agree with this, so he buries his daughter€™s dead cat in the old Indian burial ground behind his house and it comes back. This is a particularly uncomfortable story, any story which deals with death and bringing the dead back to life will be frightening but this story leaves you squirming at the narrator€™s decisions and the ending really makes you shudder. Not one to read alone, or at least certainly not near a graveyard.
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Student at university studying Journalism.