What Happens When You Only Drink Coke Or Pepsi?

5. You've Become A Candidate For Adult-Onset Diabetes

Diabetes Chart
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When you drink a Coke or Pepsi, it contains sugar, but not the type of sugar most people picture. It's not the granulated white stuff we use when baking; they use something called High-Fructose Corn Syrup, and in many ways, it's much worse for our bodies to process than natural sugars due to its higher concentration of fructose.

This form of sweetener passes through your liver, which is the only organ in our bodies that can break down and metabolize fructose. If it takes too much in, it converts the fructose into fat, which is stored in the body. The real concern comes when that fat gets lodged in the liver itself, leading to a fatty liver.

The last thing you want your liver to do — other than fail, of course — is to become fatty because this can lead to a plethora of health-related problems. Another serious issue you will face from consuming large quantities of fructose is the development of insulin resistance, which leads to Type 2 Diabetes.

Essentially, what you'll end up doing by drinking nothing but Coke or Pepsi is to permanently break your body's ability to process sugar. This will lead to countless problems requiring you to manage your blood sugar levels, and it will lead to a shortening of your total lifespan.

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Jonathan is a graphic artist, illustrator, writer, and game designer. Jonathan retired from the U.S. Army in 2017 and enjoys researching and writing about history, science, theology, and many other subjects. He writes for ScreenRant, CBR, NerdBastards, Listverse, Ranker, WhatCulture, and many other sites online. You can check out his latest on Twitter: @TalkingBull or on his blog: jonathanhkantor.com