10 Best Managers At 2014 World Cup

5. Louis van Gaal - Netherlands

Van Gaal is taking over at Manchester United after the World Cup, a tenure which will hopefully go better than David Moyes€™, but first he has to try and redeem the Dutch team after a less than stellar 2012 Euro Cup performance. So far, so good at Netherlands blew through qualifying, posting a 34 to five goal differential. This is actually van Gaal€™s second tenure as Holland€™s manager, but the first time did not go well. However, apart from that, his resume is nigh impeachable. He turned Ajax into a powerhouse in the 90€™s, winning the Champions League in the 1994-1995 season. He won two league titles in Spain with Barcelona and one in Germany with Bayern Munich. It€™s been a while since he won World Manager of the Year in 1995, but he wasn€™t given the Netherlands job, or the Man U job, because of the good old days. He can still manage.

Chris Morgan hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.