10 Little Known Facts About Ronda Rousey

1. Sexual Practices

Ronda Rousey Something that Rousey revealed that she does before a fight is have a large amount of sex. One would probably question this while training for a fight but Rousey has a reason for it. Her claim is that for women sex actually increases their testosterone production, thus increasing aggression. Such a claim is not scientifically backed up but neither is the fact that sex actually takes away from testosterone production either. While some male fans may like this fact there is a catch behind it. Rousey has stated that she does not have sex with random people. This practice is done only while she has a boyfriend. That being said a random hookup probably isn't in the books. While Rousey believes sex can help her she isn't a complete slut and does believe in a normal relationship. Either way this is the most interesting little known fact about Ronda Rousey.

Matthew Salzer fell in love with Mixed Martial Arts when he watched Pride Fighting Championships on Japanese TV. He is a lifelong wrestler having earned a Bachelor of Science at Missouri Baptist University. Matthew is the Senior Editor at MMA Freak and has written for Funky Monkey MMA, H4 Entertainment, and MMA Fiends.