10 Little Known Facts About Ronda Rousey

10. Interest In Pokemon

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vl6p9OhJhc Any kind growing up in the late 90s was no doubt involved in the Pokemon craze in some way or another. Ronda Rousey was no different as she recently admit in a interview on ESPN that she in fact still plays the game. On the interview she talked in detail about the game in a way that only people who played the game would understand. For fans who think Rousey is a cool girl who doesn't do anything nerdy this would probably come as a surprise. However, for those who understand Rousey's personality this doesn't come as a shock. Rousey is just that type of personality with quirks and one of which is nerdy hobbies. Sure she did bar tend for a while but that doesn't mean bar tenders can't do nerdy things. This is the case with Rousey as she demonstrated an acute knowledge of the game overall and isn't shamed to admit it. If nothing else she could become a Pokemon master if MMA and movie acting don't work out for some reason or another. Either way those who are still Pokemon fans should be proud to call Rousey one of their own.

Matthew Salzer fell in love with Mixed Martial Arts when he watched Pride Fighting Championships on Japanese TV. He is a lifelong wrestler having earned a Bachelor of Science at Missouri Baptist University. Matthew is the Senior Editor at MMA Freak and has written for Funky Monkey MMA, H4 Entertainment, and MMA Fiends.