You don't have to wear a costume to the darts but it's frowned upon if you decline, as though you're trying to puncture the surreally subversive world into which the rest of us have happily plunged. Popular costumes are of course cartoon characters, though even this must be corrupted and made ridiculous as a retort to the dull world that exists outside the arena doors. So if you're a skinny guy from Wigan, come as Iron Man. If you're the miserable one in your group of mates, come as The Joker. Some leave aside comic books and do their own thing: two women recently attended the darts dressed as Jim Bowen. Jimmy Saville remains a popular adopted persona, as do Smurfs and darts players themselves. It's not uncommon to see folk frocked up like Bobby George, Wolfy or The Count, creating a disorientating hall of mirrors effect further exacerbated by eight pints.