10 Most Controversial Premier League Moments

7. Roy Keane’s Very Own Tunnel Of Love

Roy Keane Man Utd Patrick Vieira Arsenal
Sean Dempsey/PA Archive/Press Association Images

Another Arsenal versus Manchester United humdinger hadn’t even begun in earnest when sparks flew in the Highbury tunnel.

Midfield lynchpin Roy Keane walked towards the front of the line-up as he prepared for the match when he noticed a gaggle of Gunners giving Gary Neville a hard time.

Fiery Irishman Keane immediately went on the offensive, pointing and shouting in the direction of opposing colossus Patrick Vieira, whom he claimed had been the ringleader in a bullying campaign of sorts against team-mate Neville.

Although a truly unsavoury incident, it displayed the United skipper’s care and consideration for his comrades, as well as handing the visitors a psychological edge which helped to deliver a handsome 4-2 victory.


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