10 Most Severe NFL Suspensions Ever

3. Frank Filchock And Merle Hapes - Life

Frank Filchock and Merle Hapes were accused of fixing the 1946 NFL Championship game between the Bears and the Giants, with both players allegedly being paid by infamous sports event fixer Alvin Paris. Hapes admitted that he was approached, but Filchock denied the charges and was allowed to play, despite the boos from the thousands of fans who heard the news just before kick off. The deal would have seen the two Giants players ensure that their own team lost by more than 10 points. QB Filchock threw two TD passes to make up the Giants' final score of 14, while he also threw six interceptions as the Bears notched up 24 on the scoreboard. 10 points separated the teams... Weeks later, under oath, Filchock admitted that he too was approached, turning the Championship into an even greater farce.
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