10 Players Everton Should Regret Not Signing

4. Dion Dublin

What a signing this would have been for Howard Kendall€™s Everton side back in the 1993-94 season. Only a reserve player at Manchester United, Kendall had hoped that the signing of Dion Dublin would help alleviate the goal scoring pressure of Tony Cottee and move the Blues away from their current mid-table mediocrity. Sadly, the Everton board refused to pay the quite paltry £1.5m fee for Dublin, which led to Kendall resigning and being replaced by the (at the time) successful Norwich City manager Mike Walker. Dublin went on to Coventry and then Aston Villa, becoming a Premier League legend and retiring with a total of 111 league goals, one of only 24 players to score over 100 in the Premier League. Oh what could have been for him and Everton, whose striker problems would extend way into the next decade and be a significant problem for the entirety of David Moyes€™ reign. Considering that this failed deal led to Howard Kendall leaving the club and being replaced by the disastrous Mike Walker, it€™s easy to imagine that had they pulled they stumped up the fees for the striker, their fortunes would have proved very different in the 1990s.

Everton fanatic. Comic book reader and Spider-Man idoliser. Film watcher and TV binger. A smorgasbord of interests.