10 Players Real Madrid Should Never Have Sold

4. Steve McManaman

McManaman enjoyed a great spell at Real, becoming the most decorated English player overseas in the process. He became the unlikeliest of fan-favourites in his four seasons there, developing (in their minds) from a one-note winger to a crucial, versatile member of the squad. Gareth Bale, take note. Like a few others on this list, the scouse star fell victim to the team's 'Galacticos' transfer policy, finding himself shunted out of the first team and converted into a utility player despite continuing to impress. To McManaman's credit, he was lauded by the press for his desire to work hard and contribute however he could, as well as refusing to criticise the club's favouring of big names over the needs of the team. Eventually his contract came to an end, and the frustrated McManaman decided to return to the Premier League alongside fellow Madrid Real cast-offs Morientes, Hierro and Makelele. A clearly unmotivated Macca was never the same again, plagued by injuries and an apparent loss of desire. There's no telling how his career could have panned out had he stayed with Los Blancos, but he remains a beloved figure at the Bernabeu.
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Content Producer

Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.