10 Predictions For World Cup 2018

5. VAR To Play A Big Part

This summer, for the first time ever, a World Cup will feature video assistant referees (VAR). For many years, fans and players alike have campaigned for technology to be used to help referees make the fairest decisions and ensure that matches aren't marred by unjust red cards, "ghost goals", bad offside calls, and other refereeing mistakes.

Now, finally, the technology is ready to make its big debut, having already been tested in various leagues and competitions around the world. With this system in place, the regular referee is still able to make calls and decisions as he normally would, but the VAR will be standing by if needed to offer clarification on goals, penalties, red cards and possible cases of mistaken identity in which a player is wrongly issued with a card.

Statistics show that VAR has been a great success so far in terms of rectifying bad decisions and helping to make games fairer, but the system isn't flawless and has made some notable mistakes too, with some spectators also arguing that it slows down the game too much. One way or another, VAR will definitely have an impact in Russia.


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